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Market Information

ASMI’s Seafood Market Information Services provide the latest analysis of market and harvest conditions and news on the performance of Alaska’s seafood product portfolio.

Annual Salmon Market Bulletins

Annual pre-season market bulletins provide the latest analysis of market conditions and news on the performance of Alaska’s seafood product portfolio.

Go to the Salmon Market Bulletin Page

Weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Updates

In-season weekly Alaska Salmon Harvest Updates are produced for ASMI by the McKinley Research Group.

Go to the Salmon Harvest Update Page

Economic Value of Alaska Seafood

The Alaska seafood industry is integral to the Alaska and U.S. economies. From jobs to logistical infrastructure, ASMI Economic Value reports assess, contextualize and communicate the many ways seafood supports our local, regional and global communities. View the latest reports below, or head to our economic impact page to find further resources.

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